Monday, October 29, 2007
Hello again.
Details of class chalet have been confirmed. Please read below for further infomation.
Miss Lim had helped us to book the chalet.
Total amount of chalet and BBQ cost $149. Chalet no will be known on 19 Nov, so please check the blog on that day to know the no.
Dhivyen and I have been thinking about
making a thank you card to Miss Lim, just like what i did for Miss Yuana. Any ideas? (:
Here is the confirmed details of the chalet. In case some who do not/dont know/dont wish to visit the class blog,
an email will send to everyone before the chalet for reminder.
Green for edited details.
Activities1400 Organizers check in.
1400 -1500 To reach chalet. Introduction.
1500 - 1600 Game.
We will have a tribute to Miss Yuana and Miss Lim.
1600 - 1800 Swimming. *organizers come back at 5pm to prepare the BBQ.
1800 - 2100 BBQ. Water bomb. Movie. etc
2100 - 2200 Cleaning up. Bathing.
2200 - 0100 Watch movies. TV. Games (cards/board games etc).
0100 - 0200 Cycling. Games etc.
0200 - 0400 Ghost stories session. Sleeping time.
0400 - 0600 Sleeping time.
0700 - 0900 Breakfast. Games.
0900 - 1000 Packing up. Clearing.
1000 Check out.
Organizing committeeOverall in-charge: Dhivyen and huiting
Sub in-charge: yanshing and Cynthia
Games I/C: huiting
BBQ I/C: Dhivyen
Activities I/C: All of the 4 members.
Please contact the comm. members if you have anything in doubt or anything to suggest etc.
Things to bring (suggested)
1. clothes (bring at least 2 to change)
2. snacks
3. shoes/slippers
4. swimming attire + goggles
5. money
6. class-T
7. pen
8. things you need for the chalet
Is anyone willing to bring these things for the chalet?
Movies, CDs, beach ball,
frisbee, loudhailer, soccer ball (dhivyen will bring) and plastic bag for water bomb.
1. Dog and Bone
2. Soccer
3. Captain's ball
4. Water Bomb
5. Frisbee
AT 10:09 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Hello everyone.
This is the 2nd edition of the chalet info.
Please read it and gv us a suggestion if there's anything to improve because the organising committee will review the notes tomorrow.
Also, i have planned to give a farewell card to Miss Yuana during the chalet. Please state when you are free to meet with me so that you can sign the card.
I will personally contact everyone to meet, so don't worry of the others who has not sign yet.
Here it is. [:
Activities1400 Organizers check in.
1400 -1500 To reach chalet. Introduction.
1500 - 1600 Game.
1600 - 1800 Swimming. *organizers come back at 5pm to prepare the BBQ.
1800 - 2100 BBQ. Water bomb. Movie. etc
2100 - 2200 Cleaning up. Bathing.
2200 - 0100 Watch movies. TV. Games (cards/board games etc).
0100 - 0200 Cycling. Games etc.
0200 - 0400 Ghost stories session. Sleeping time.
0400 - 0600 Sleeping time.
0700 - 0900 Breakfast. Games.
0900 - 1000 Packing up. Clearing.
1000 Check out.
Organizing committeeOverall in-charge: Dhivyen and huiting
Sub in-charge: yanshing and Cynthia
Games I/C: huiting
BBQ I/C: Dhivyen
Activities I/C: All of the 4 members.
Please contact the comm. members if you have anything in doubt or anything to suggest etc.
Things to bring (suggested)1. clothes (bring at least 2 to change)
2. snacks
3. shoes/slippers
4. swimming attire + goggles
5. money
6. class-T
7. pen
8. things you need for the chalet
Is anyone willing to bring these things for the chalet?
Movies, CDs, beach ball.
AT 9:25 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Miss Yuana,
AT 3:52 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
For those who have ordered the 8R class photo, it's $6 not $5. So kindly pay that $1 to yanjun after EOY Exam.
Please pay $2 term 4 class fund before the term ends to yanjun.
More details will be up after EOY exam. Please look for class comm members or me if you have anything to ask/suggest/request.
Edit @ Mon 08/10:
Kindly pay that $1 to yanjun by 10 Oct.
Submitting of term 4 class fund $2 by 20 Oct.
AT 10:20 PM